Toronto Mike

My 2 Cents

Total 441 Posts

Print Journalism in this Digital Age

Reports of the demise of print journalism are greatly exaggerated. Print's not dead, it's just moving from dead trees to digital. The challenge for newspapers will be creating a model that can be fully funded in an environment of decreasing ad revenue. A paid subscription model is the obvious move
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Stranger Things is Overrated

Just my opinion, of course, but I think Stranger Thing is overrated. I've watched both seasons and thought it was okay, but nothing special. My favourite thing about the series, and the reason I've watched every episode, is the nostalgia factor. I was about the same age in the early-to-mid-80s
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Spoiler Etiquette Revisited

In the season four episode of The Simpsons "Marge in Chains" Mayor Quimby spoils the twist of The Crying Game. The episode originally aired on May 6, 1993, less than eight months after the movie's release. From a Simpsons podcast I subscribe to I learned about how Gene Siskel spoiled
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McDonald's Makes Nutty Choice

I have four children and so far there's no evidence any of them have a tree nut allergy. Two are quite young, so there's still time for such an allergy to manifest itself, but I'm hopeful we've avoided it. I do have a nephew, however, who is allergic to peanuts.
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The Problem with Chief Wahoo

Cleveland swept the BoSox and will face our Jays in the ALCS. It all starts Friday night. I've been intentionally referring to their team as "Cleveland" and not by the nickname "Indians" because I'm not comfortable with it. I know the story of Louis Sockalexis and understand it's meant as
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The Blue Pill or Red Pill?

You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.~ Morpheus in The MatrixMy friend, had he lived, would have
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The Sony Hack and North Korea

You've likely heard that North Korea hacked and threatened Sony because of The Interview, a Seth Rogen and James Franco comedy that was due to be released later this month.  It's all over the place, but I don't believe that's what's happened here. Yes, I believe Sony was hacked. By
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Don't Tell Me How To Celebrate Christmas

My friend's brother just posted this picture to Instagram. It's a sign currently on his front porch. I don't understand why it's any of his business how I celebrate Christmas. Why can't he celebrate Christmas his way with his family, friends and church without interfering with how anyone else celebrates
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Pillow Talk

I sleep on a very low, almost flat pillow. It's polar fleece and barely raises my head above the mattress. I don't think pillows come much lower than this one. It's always been my preference. When it comes to pillows, I guess you could say I'm a minimalist. Whenever I'm
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They Screwed Up My Special K

Special K was one of my favourite cereals. In fact, when I decided to reduce my caloric consumption in early 2012, Special K became my go-to breakfast. I visited Amsterdam in August 2012 and ate the Dutch Special K for breakfast at the hotel. It was flakes instead of our
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