Toronto Mike


Total 778 Posts

Brian Setzer

I fell in love with rock via rockabilly band The Stray Cats. You can hear more about this moment in my personal musical journey when I kicked out the jams for my 50th. The cassette I owned was titled Built for Speed and it came out in 1982. It had
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Rock and Roll's Future

I have seen rock and roll's future and its name is Bruce Springsteen . . . Last night, my wife and I saw Bruce Springsteen for the very first time. I'm here to tell you that the pre-concert hype was literally 40 years in the making, as I've been hearing about Bruce's live
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Ghostbuster Video Cameos

Yesterday, Jeremy Hopkin dropped by to talk about 10 great Toronto ghost stories. One involves the University of Toronto and when Jeremy mentioned Convocation Hall, I mentioned that my graduation ceremony took place there and that Ivan Reitman was the keynote speaker. Ivan, of course, directed Ghostbusters, the perfect movie
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Video Stars

Several years ago, Joel Goldberg gifted me a poster of this cover of Graffiti celebrating Toronto’s new VJ superstars. Featured are FOTMs Shirley McQueen and J. Gold (Joel Goldberg) of CFMT’s Something Else, Samantha Taylor (who went from CFMT to CBC’s Video Hits) and John Majhor of
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Cypress Hill at TFOB

Last night I went on a double date to see Souls of Mischief and Cypress Hill at the CNE Bandshell. It was all part of TFOB (Toronto Festival of Beer) which means plenty of fresh Great Lakes Beer along the way. The crewIt was awesome. Great night, great vibes, and
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Random Memory Generated

I heard this song in 1989 and the lyrics were imprinted in my brain so I'd periodically sing this song over the past 35 years. I don't think I've heard this song since 1989, unless you count the many times I've sung it aloud. The songs I heard in 1989
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The G Word

This past weekend, we had a party for my third-born's 10th birthday. My mom used the m-word for little people. We had to educate her that this m-word is no longer acceptable. That got me thinking about the g-word for Roma people. That g-word was everywhere. Band names, song names,
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Monowhales Split

At noon I received an email from Warner Music Canada with the subject line "A STATEMENT FROM MONOWHALES". Monowhales are a Canadian alt-rock band that have appeared on Toronto Mike'd a bouple of times. First there was the COVID-19 remote appearance, then the much better in-person debut. Here's the statement
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Arrows vs. The Arrows

The Arrows are mentioned on Toronto Mike'd periodically, including today. I'm not familiar with The Arrows, but my brain is full of trivial facts including that Joan Jett's I Love Rock N' Roll was a cover of a song by the Arrows. That's the Arrows, not to be confused with
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One Helluva Fever

Fear not, I'm not feverish. In fact, I feel great. I just finished a chilly 25km bike ride and now I'm listening to Neil. Neil's the guy who had the fever. In late 1968 Neil Young had a 39.5 °C fever and in this state wrote three of his
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Surfin' Bird: Pee Wee vs. Peter Griffin

Thanks to Fortnite, the online video game my kids are obsessed with, my 9 and 7 year olds are really into Peter Griffin's Surfin' Bird. That's right, even though they've never seen an episode of Family Guy, they know Peter Griffin and his favourite song of all-time. Surfin' Bird has
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Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree

We need to talk about Brenda Lee's "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree". I'm sure I heard it in the zeitgeist as a kid, but my first specific memory of this holiday staple is its appearance in 1990's Home Alone. Since then, it's seemed unavoidable. Brenda Lee recorded this Johnny Marks
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The Deuce Theme Songs

Admittedly, I'm a sucker for anything created by David Simon. The Wire is my all-time favourite television show, ahead of Six Feet Under and The Sopranos. Another David Simon series is The Deuce which ran for three seasons. This post is about The Deuce's theme songs. I love all three
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Phoenix Saturdays Reunion!

Last night, I attended the Phoenix Saturays Reunion celebrating Martin Streek and 30 years of Phoenix Saturday Nights. Let's do the time warp again! You can go home againUnlike the recent 35th anniversary of Electric Cicus I attended recently, I actually did dance at the Phoenix for many of these
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When Dusty Bettered Aretha

Aretha Frnaklin is the undisputed Queen of Soul, but in the late-60s, she was beat by British blue-eyed soul singer Dusty Springfiield. In 1968, songwriters John Hurley and Ronnie Wilkins wrote Son of a Preacher Man for Aretha Franklin, but Aretha turned it down because her father really was a
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Don't Be Cruel

What the heck was that Cheap Trick cover of Don't Be Cruel all about? I realize I'm 35 years late in asking this pertinent question, but I was just reading an article about Elvis Presley's September 9, 1956 appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show. Here's Elvis performing his hit "Don't
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D' You Know What I Mean?

The moment at which a song hits me is very important. There are mediocre songs I adore to this day becuase they hit me at precisely the right time. When Oasis released Be Here Now in 1997, they had already peaked. Be Here Now was the follow-up to (What's the
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