Toronto Mike


Total 580 Posts

Mike Crashes the 640 Toronto Party: Toronto Mike'd Podcast Episode 1233

In this 1233rd episode of Toronto Mike'd, Mike crashes the 640 Toronto party at the GLB Brewpub. Guests include Anthony Farnell, Troy Burtch, Fabian Skidmore, Alan Carter, Jason Chapman, Corey Manuel, Dan Speerin, Pina Crispo, Patrick Malkin, Kelly Cutrara, Rob Johnston, Edward Keenan, Rebecca Cuneo Keenan, Vince Tedesco, Dani Stover,
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The Allegations Against John Derringer

One month ago, former Q107 radio personality Jacqui Delaney made her Toronto Mike'd debut, and we discussed her career in radio and why she left the industry. Here's an excerpt from that episode in which she says "Working with John Derringer was one of the things that lent itself to
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The Ongoing History of CFNY: Toronto Mike'd Podcast Episode 1021

In this 1021st episode of Toronto Mike'd, Mike dives deep into the ongoing history of 102.1 CFNY with David Marsden, Ivar Hamilton, Liz Janik, Scot Turner, Maie Pauts, Fred Patterson, Leslie Kross, Alan Cross, Captain Phil Evans, Dani Elwell, Humble Howard Glassman, Rob Johnston, Bob Willette and Jay Brody.
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Toronto Sports Radio Hemorrhaging

If we look at the Toronto radio ratings for men 25-54, with the usual caveat that the PPM system is a flawed system, although the best we currently have for radio, it seems that The Fan 590 is bleeding out. The station has lost about half of its listeners. Sports
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