Toronto Mike

Toronto Maple Leafs

Total 1283 Posts

Maple Leafs 24/7

With last season's late start due to labour strife, I almost forgot that we'll be the focus of HBO's 24/7 this year leading up to the Winter Classic. HBO will be filming the Leafs and Red Wings throughout the month of December leading up to the Winter Classic at
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Of Stålberg, Steen and Tlustý

Prior to boarding a flight from Frankfurt to London, I was given a complimentary copy of USA Today's International Edition.  I shot straight to the hockey section to see how USA Today covers hockey. There was one article about the dominating Chicago Blackhawks and their replenished depth.  It specifically applauded
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Things are Looking Up in Toronto Sports

Toronto Sports fans, I have good news.  It seems we bounced off the bottom in August and things are looking up. At that time, the Jays, Leafs, Raptors, TFC and Argos were all in pretty dire straits.  You'll have to click back for details.  I called it a "brand new
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2013 Leafs Roster and Prediction

I'm looking forward to watching the Leafs vs. Habs tonight.  Here's our opening night roster. Forwards: LupulKesselKuleminVan RiemsdykGrabovskiMacArthurBozakKadriKomarovMcLementBrownSteckelOrrDefense: PhaneufGunnarssonLilesKostkaGardiner (currently injured)KomisarekFransonFraserHolzerGoalies: ReimerScrivensI'm predicting this team will surprise us and play above their ability and finish 10th in the Eastern Conference. Go Leafs Go!
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Brian Burke Fired

The Toronto Maple Leafs fired president and general manager Brian Burke. He was hired with much fanfare and hope back in 2008 but without a playoff appearance during his tenure, he's been on the clock for at least a year. I was pretty sure they'd give him one more season.
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Ping!!! NHL Lockout Ends

I've been so fed up with the NHL and NHLPA CBA negotiations, I've been telling everyone who will listen to just ping me when it's over.  This morning, I received several pings.  I guess the lockout is over and we'll have a season. Immediately, I'm hit with two different sensations.
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