Toronto Mike


Total 430 Posts

Asterix and Obelix

During my web travels last night, I stumbled upon a clever and simple Lego ad that brought back  flood of memories.  Here's that ad. I saw the ad and instantly saw my old friends Asterix and Obelix.  When I was a kid, I would save my allowance until I had
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Omnibot 2000

When I was the age my son is now, I wanted an Omnibot 2000.  I don't think I bothered asking for it, I just passive aggressively yearned for it. Watching the new Muppet movie with the kids the other night, I saw a new character called 80s Robot.  80s Robot
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Retrontariomas Morning

I subscribe to Retrontario's YouTube Channel's RSS feed, and days when he mass uploads new retro treats for us nostalgists feels an awful lot like Christmas morning.  I call it Retrontariomas. Yesterday was Retrontariomas, and the following gems were shared with us lucky SOBs. There's this 1984 ad for Hubba
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Coleco Mr. Arcade

When a classmate brought one of these Coleco Mr. Arcade games to school at St. Pius X, he was instantly anointed Radical Dude. The only thing cooler was the digital watch with Pac-Man built into it. it even had a joystick! The early 80s were pretty awesome.
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Farewell, Mr. Hooper

Will Lee passed away in 1982.  You likely don't know the name Will Lee.  I didn't, either.  I knew him as Mr. Hooper. Mr. Hooper's is the first death I remember.  Here he is, if you're too young or too old to know who I'm talking about. This scene when
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In the late 80s, I played Paperboy on my Nintendo Entertainment System. It first became one of my favourite games in the arcade where me and my buddy Chris would spend countless hours and quarters delivering newspapers along a suburban street. As I recall, Paperboy was our go-to game until
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Macho Man's Rap Career Was Epic

The "Pomp and Circumstance Marches" got a lot of play this week, with the royal wedding and all.  I can't hear a note of Sir Edward Elgar's March No. 1 in D without thinking about "Macho Man" Randy Savage. An arrangement by Jim Johnson was used as his most excellent
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Retro Ontario 45s = Awesome Ontario MixTape

I love this.  From Retrontario: To celebrate the 3rd anniversary of Retrontario, I've pulled out some dusty 45s and made a thirty minute mixtape of sun-stained Ontario floor fillers with the odd vocal sample thrown in for good measure. Listen out for cameos from Retrontario luminaries like John Delazzer, Mark
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Degrassi's School's Out

About five years ago, I wrote a thank you letter to Degrassi.  As a kid, I watched "The Kids of Degrassi Street", "Degrassi Junior High" and "Degrassi High".   It was appointment viewing for me and I watched every single week. When "Degrassi High" was done, everything was wrapped up in
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Consumers Distributing Catalogue

We had a great discussion a few years ago about Consumers Distributing.  Consumers Distributing is where I'd go, armed with my Consumers Distributing catalogue, with my wishlist circled. Inevitably, most of what I'd want would be out of stock, but once in a while that coveted Citizen boom box would
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Whisper 2000

YouTube user Retrontario frequently uploads fantastic retro-Toronto-centric gems.  These clips never fail to bring back a ton of memories for me, so I feature them from time to time. I don't think a month goes by that I don't reference the Whisper 2000 at least once.  These Whisper 2000 ads
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YouTube user Retrontario frequently uploads fantastic retro-Toronto-centric gems.  These clips never fail to bring back a ton of memories for me, so I feature them from time to time. I loved this ad as a kid.  It got plenty of airplay, and seemed so clever. Even watching it now, I
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YouTube user Retrontario frequently uploads fantastic retro-Toronto-centric gems.  These clips never fail to bring back a ton of memories for me, so I feature them from time to time. I liked the Smurfs enough to include them on my list of favourite cartoons as a child.  The Smurfs ranked #4
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My Columbia House Memories

I've always loved music.  Throughout my life, I'd discover new genres, and do a deep dive. I started as a kid with 50s music and rockabilly.  I loved The Stray Cats, and made Built For Speed the first cassette I purchased on my own.  I then discovered Duran Duran, bought
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My Memories of John Lennon

The murder of John Lennon 30 years ago today is my first memory of a news event.  I was quite young at the time, but I vividly remember telling a grade one class mate at St. Cecilia's that a Beatle had died.  I can even visualize the coat rack behind
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