I've just returned from a visit to the PROUD-FM studio at Church and Wellesley where we recorded the Humble and Fred Christmas podcast. This is our 8th podcast overall, and once again we were joined by Dan Duran and Bingo Bob. Humble also brought along the first Humble and Fred Podcast intern, a Ryerson student named Ari.
I've sat in on a bunch of these, so I've witnessed the evolution, but if you were a Humble and Fred fan from the 90s you'd likely be pretty surprised by the content. Instead of targeted a young male demographic, it's completely organic. The result is more heartfelt, with discussions about Humble's separation, Fred's daughter's wedding and the birth of Bingo Bob's first child. Don't get me wrong, it's still damn funny, but there's far more substance and thought-provoking discussion and slightly less dick and fart jokes. It's compelling stuff, and I hope you listen when I post the audio early next week.
As usual, I took some pictures. If you want to read more about Humble and Fred, this is the category for you. If you want to hear previous podcasts, hit up this page. If you want to hear about Dan Duran's herpes, Humble's new girlfriend or Fred's newfound appreciation for sitting down to go pee, wait for the MP3s next week.