Like most things, it started with a spontaneous thought. "You're the Alpha-Getti Gobbler!" I blurted to my 2.5 year old daughter. I hadn't thought of the Alpha-Getti Gobbler in years, but that day in 2007 he popped back into my head.
The Alpha-Getti Gobbler was a flying spaghetti monster-like creature that was featured in a television ad for Alpha-Getti I saw numerous times as a kid. He didn't exist on the web. Google searches didn't reveal a single image or piece of video that showed what the Alpha-Getti Gobbler looked like.
A year later, Ryan Barnett was Googling the ad and found my entry. Ryan Barnett was one of the three children in the Alpha-Getti Gobbler ad and he had the advertisement on DVD. That sparked this Gobbler alert.
Ryan emailed me the ad, I posted it on YouTube that day, and we had our Alpha-Getti Gobbler. Here he is:
Ryan agreed to an interview during which he spilt all the deets on the Alpha-Getti Gobbler. He also sent me an updated pic:

I found my Alpha-Getti Gobbler.