Every Monday I shuffle my entire MP3 collection in iTunes and list the first ten songs that play. Here are the ten tunes I heard today with a personal story about one of them.
- Something's Got To Give - Beastie Boys
- Guinnevere - Crosby, Stills & Nash
- When World's Collide - Powerman 5000
- That Lucky Old Sun - Ray Charles
- She's Like Heroin - System Of A Down
- Speed Of Sound - Coldplay
- About A Girl - Nirvana
- English Fire - Bush
- My Way - Limp Bizkit
- Higher Learning - Patti Smith
The other day a bunch of us guys took Steve to Pizza Hut. If there's a better way to send a guy into marriage, I can't think of it. We began playing a game in which one of us would name a band or solo artist and then we'd one by one name our favourite song from that band or artist. Eventually, we got to Nirvana.
Many of us were torn. It's difficult to come up with a favourite song for an act like Nirvana. Someone said "All Apologies", another said "Lithium" and yet another said "Scentless Apprentice". I ended up going with "Lithium", but I threw "About A Girl" on the table as one of many solid alternatives. "About A Girl" appeared on Bleach, but it really took off after it appeared on Unplugged in New York. Hearing it unplugged got me spinning the Bleach version again and gave me a far greater appreciation for the tune.
Around the tenth anniversary of Kurt Cobain's death I took a crack at listing my five favourite Nirvana tunes as a Friday Five. At the time I had Lithium, All Apologies, Pennyroyal Tea, Sliver and Rape Me. I'll bet I could do that daily and never list the same five twice.