Toronto Mike


Total 198 Posts

Prorogue - Your Word of the Day

Hey kids, today's word of the day is prorogue. It's quite possible you've never heard this word before, so you'll want to read on so you don't feel dumb while watching CBC Newsworld tonight. Prorogue:tr.v., -rogued, -rogu·ing, -rogues. To discontinue a session of (a parliament, for example)
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A Figurehead With Power

When they taught us in primary school about our Governor General, they always referred to the position as symbolic and merely a figurehead with no actual power.  Canada is, after all, a democratic nation, and the Governor General is merely a tip of the hat to the Queen of England.
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Coalition Government

I majored in History, which demanded I take a few Canadian history courses, and even I'm confused by what's taking place in Ottawa right now. Stephane Dion's Liberals have proposed a governing coalition with the NDP.  A non-confidence motion drafted by the Liberal Opposition could be introduced in the House
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I held on to this photo just so I could post it the morning of November 4th, 2008. You'll have to click through to see the picture I was going to post, because I've decided not to post it.  I'm going to post a different image this morning. This poster
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Don't Celebrate Too Early

I'm no political scientist, but I don't anticipate a nail-biter tomorrow night.  This will be an overwhelming electoral college victory for Barack Obama. But let's not celebrate too early... Awesome animated gif stolen from WFMU's Beware of the Blog.
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I'm With Larry

Larry David recently wrote a guest post for The Huffington Post. I've always laughed my ass off at Larry David, both his contribution to Seinfeld and his most excellent Curb Your Enthusiasm. Read what Larry has to say in a post he entitled "Waiting for Nov. 4th." I can't take
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Freddie P Will Never Be Happy

This entry is a direct reply to Toronto Mike Is Happy, an entry written this evening by Fred Patterson on his blog, While I remove the gloves, here's a little background.  Freddie P and I are good pals.  We chatted on the phone as recently as Monday morning.
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Why Harper Failed

The Conservative Party is still in power in this country and Stephen Harper is still our Prime Minister.  That makes Harper the victor, but in a greater sense he has failed.  Here's why Stephen Harper lost. Toronto is Still Without a Conservative MPRemember my $50 bet back in 2007? I
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Why Don't You Vote?

Why don't you vote?  That's right, I'm talking to you.  Today is our federal election and you've got until 9:30 tonight to cast your ballot, yet many of you won't bother to exercise this right. I'm sincerely curious. I love voting. People have literally died to protect our democracy.
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McCain Should Stick To Country

I just learnt John McCain's campaign has been using "My Hero" from the Foo Fighters.  I wrote about "My Hero" here. When the Foo Fighters learnt John McCain was using "My Hero", they issued a statement. The saddest thing about this is that "My Hero" was written as a celebration
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Advance Voting in Canada

I just voted. With my mind made up, I decided to beat the rush and stroll over to the advance voting station. I usually mark my ballot early and I highly recommend it for those of you who are decided. Even during a power outage, I witnessed democracy in action.
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Deja Vu All Over Again

You've likely seen the footage below which shows Sarah Palin struggling to name a single newspaper she reads.  She can't come up with a newspaper or magazine name, not even the Anchorage Daily freakin' News. I don't know about you, but I suspect she's not reading the news at all.
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The Future is X-Rated

The popcorn is popping and the kids are off to bed, I'm watching Obama v. McCain tonight.  I'm not sure why I'm bothering, I may as well just watch the end of the Leafs game.  You see, according to an ad in the online edition of the Wall Street Journal
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Cease and Desist, You Old Fart

"Barracuda" is a rockin' little tune from Heart's 1977 LP Little Queen.  The Republican Party has been using it as Sarah Palin's theme song of sorts.  Heart is more than a little pissed about this. Heart sent a cease and desist letter to McCain's camp, but they're still playing the
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We're less than a month away from a federal election in this country and I find myself completely uninspired. I'm part of that small percentage of Canadians who actually reads the news from Ottawa, gives serious thought to who gets my vote and actually casts a vote, so if I'm
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Yet Another Election

For the third time in four years, we've got a federal election.  Stephen Harper has dissolved Parliament and has called an election for October 14. It's a shame we're going to the polls only a couple of weeks before our neighbours to the south as I fear Obama vs. McCain
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Barack Obama's Convention Address

To Chairman Dean and my great friend Dick Durbin, and to all my fellow citizens of this great nation: With profound gratitude and great humility, I accept your nomination for the presidency of the United States. Let me express my thanks to the historic slate of candidates who accompanied me
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8 Years of Dubya

It's hard to believe it's already been eight years since Governor Dubya delivered remarks at the Republican National Convention. Here are a few gems from that fine day in August 2000: I am proud to have Dick Cheney by my side. He is a man -- he is a man
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Ludacris' Obama Song

Ludacris wrote a song for Obama called "Politics as Usual".  Read the lyrics and guess why Obama is distancing himself from this endorsement. Will give Luda a special pardon if I’m ever in the slammer Better yet put him in office, make me your vice president Hillary hated on
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That's My Bush!

Seven summers ago, in the pre-9/11 era when it was still okay to broadcast a show that made fun of the President of the United States, I caught a comedy on television called "That's My Bush!".  I was actually at a little cottage we rented and I remember settling
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Props to our Neighbours to the South

Barack Obama made history last night when he became the first African-American to win a major party nomination in the United States of America.  Regardless of what you think of the man's politics, you have to be impressed with the significance of this happening. Up to now, the only time
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