Toronto Mike

We Can Talk About the Weather

It's cold in Toronto right now. Like, real cold.  As I type it's -19 with the windchill. Tomorrow will be -29 with the windchill. As my wife would tell me, those are Edmonton temps!

I won't even bike in -29, but I did get in three rides yesterday. You have to shorten your rides, because you can only bear about 45 minutes, but if you layer up and dress right, you won't even be cold.

Having said there, there is one part of my body that still got cold riding during this polar vortext. No, it's not my feet, as I now bike in good winter boots when the temperatures plummet. No, it's not my hands, as I wear a pretty good pair of mittens. It's my face.

I wear a balaclava under my helmet, but it's not quite enough this week. The face needs more coverage. I'm thinking I might have to wrap my head in scarf like a mummy and see how that goes.

But other than my face, it's fine. No really, it is! But I'll still skip my ride when it's -29.

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About Toronto Mike
I own TMDS and host Toronto MIke'd. Become a Patron.