Toronto's Fucked Up (a hardcore band, not a declaration) won the fourth annual $20,000 Polaris Music Prize.
I can't say I'm familiar with Fucked Up. I was interested, however, in how this news would be reported by the mainstream media. Will they print "Fucked Up" or F***ed Up" or something else?
I shot over to Google News and scanned the articles about Polaris that were posted today. Here are how some media outlets are reporting Fucked Up's big upset win.
- The Globe and Mail - Fucked Up
- Toronto Star - F---ed Up
- Toronto Sun - F----- Up
- CBC.ca - F--ked Up
- National Post - F----d Up
- 680News.com - F**ked Up
- Ottawa Citizen - F----d Up
- Winnipeg Sun - F----- Up
- Metro Canada - F--ked Up
- McGill Tribune - Fucked Up
- The Province - Fucked Up
- Dose.ca - Fucked Up
- Exclaim! - Fucked Up
- ChartAttack - Fucked Up
- CTV.ca - F**ked Up
- Jam! Showbiz - F----- Up
- Charlottetown, The Guardian - Fucked Up
- Canada.com - F----d Up
- Calgary Sun - F----- Up