Justin Pogge was drafted in the third round, 90th overall, by the Toronto Maple Leafs in the 2004 NHL Entry Draft. He's currently a Toronto Marlie who gets called up to play for the Maple Leafs now and then. I had a few questions for him, as did you, and the Marlies were nice enough to let me into today's practice at the Ricoh Coliseum so I could pepper young Pogge.
It was pretty cool watching the practice and checking things out behind the scenes. I created a Flickr photoset of pics I took if you're curious. Here are my questions and Justin Pogge's answers.
Q: Do you read what they write about you in the press? Do you have a Google Alert for your name?
A: No, not really. I read the newspapers, but I don't have a Google Alert for Pogge or anything like that.
Q: What do you really think of the current plan to bring you up for a game here and there but to send you back to the Marlies right away no matter how you play?
A: I think it's great! There's no pressure. Sure, it would be nice to stay up, but it's a good strategy.
Q: Are you playing tomorrow night?
A: Yeah, for the Marlies.
Q: What was the explanation that Greg Gilbert gave you for going with Clemmensen in the AHL playoffs last year?
A: Clem was hot and he carried us through the first two rounds. You have to go with the hot hand.
Q: What was your favourite team when you were a kid?
A: I moved from Alberta to British Columbia, so my favourite teams were the Flames and Canucks. But I liked all the Canadian teams.
Q: What role does Curtis Joseph play when you're up for one of your fly-by, drop-in performances. Are you buddies?
A: He's great, we can talk about anything. And he's got a wealth of knowledge and experience. We're buddies.
Q: What's the biggest adjustment you've had to make moving to Toronto?
A: Ha! The first year was tough. I didn't even know where to buy a lightbulb! It's definitely a big city, but now I don't find it as overwhelming.
Q: What's your favourite beer?
A: All of them! There's a pilsener out West you can't get here that's probably my favourite.
Q: What's your favourite band?
A: Led Zeppelin, Kiss, The Rolling Stones... Of the new bands, my favourite is probably Queens of the Stone Age.