I love mash-ups. I'm very happy with so-called illegal music put together by the Kleptones or Danger Mouse or whoever. Last night, I learnt about Feed the Animals, the fourth album by Girl Talk.
Girl Talk, it turns out, is actually a guy named Gregg Gillis. Feed the Animals is one massive mash-up of dozens and dozens of sampled songs, an orgy of tunes you know and love. I'm still spinning it and, if you're even just a little like me with at least a little interest in hip-hop, I guarantee you'll love it.
Go to and, in Radiohead style, pay what you want for the 14 songs. Any time Public Enemy's "Rebel Without A Pause" is followed up with Len's "Steal My Sunshine" with Jimi Hendrix' "Purple Haze" and Yael Naim's "New Soul" following, you're in for a audio treat.
Trust me...