Every Monday I shuffle my entire MP3 collection in iTunes and list the first ten songs that play. Here are the ten tunes I heard today with a personal story about one of them.
- Night of the Living Baseheads - Public Enemy
- Code of Energy - Papa Roach
- Call Me (Come Back Home) - Al Green
- Spin The Black Circle - Pearl Jam
- Don't Be Afraid To Sing - Stars
- Santa Claus Is Back In Town - Elvis Presley
- I Will Buy You A New Life - Everclear
- Groove Me - Blues Brothers
- Born Slippy - Underworld
- Box Of Rain - Grateful Dead
Sometimes I miss the simpler times. For a couple of years in my early 20s, Taryn and I lived in a little bachelor apartment near Yonge and Bloor overlooking the Uptown Theatre and across the street from The Brass Rail. One of the CDs we listened to on a fairly regular basis was the Trainspotting soundtrack and one of our favourite cuts on that album was Underworld's "Born Slippy".
If you know "Born Slippy", you know it's a pretty heavy beat that needs to be loud to be appreciated. In our little apartment we'd blare the sucker so loud, you could hear it from down the hall. Those were the days.