If you listen to Toronto Mike'd, or read Alan Cross's blog, you've been hearing about a CFNY: The Spirit of Radio documentary that's been in production for some time now. It's directed by Matt Schicter and amongst the executive producers are FOTMs Alan Cross and Ivar Hamilton.
I'm told this documentary has been completed but is "on hold". Those are the words of Ivar Hamilton on Facebook today. Of course I know more, but I'm waiting for one of Alan Cross, Ivar Hamilton or Scot Turner to come on Toronto Mike'd to share why this doc is "on hold".
In the meantime, episode 1021 of Toronto Mike'd can be heard right now and it's got many of the key players (David Marsden, Ivar Hamilton, Liz Janik, Scot Turner, Maie Pauts, Fred Patterson, Leslie Kross, Alan Cross, Captain Phil Evans, Dani Elwell, Humble Howard Glassman, Rob Johnston, Bob Willette and Jay Brody) telling me the ongoing history of CFNY. It'll tide you over.