Toronto Stories: 6 out of 10.
Last December, the PR folks behind this Canadian indie film contacted me and asked me to help promote it. They sent me the DVD to review, but in typical Canadian indie film promotion fashion, the DVD had no audio.
I let my contact know my DVD had no audio, and she apologized, but I'll be damned if I ever received a replacement. They got their entry, but they never got their review. I didn't see the movie until this weekend when it appeared on TMN.
It was neat seeing Toronto playing itself, and it wasn't a bad little movie, but it's nothing to write home about. I suppose you'd write home about it if you wrote home about local flicks that aren't half bad. I might write home about the fact "Toronto Stories was shot in the four corners of the city, from the Don Valley and Cabbagetown to Kensington Market, from St. Clair and Vaughan to the back-alleys of the downtown core and majestic Union Station."