The morning show of Alish Forfar and Justin Cuthbert is no longer. I guess they gave them a year, hardly enough time to build an audience, but patience seems as elusive as ever in 2023 terrestrial radio.

Alish Forfar and Justin Cuthbert will still be heard on the air, however, hosting the pregame show at 6pm. There was a time when you couldn't compare the salary of a morning show host in this market with someone heard at 6pm, but morning show salaries aren't what they used to be. Shout out to FOTM Erin Davis.
Speaking of FOTMs, Ben Ennis is an FOTM and you should listen to his episode of Toronto Mike'd right now. He's also the new Fan 590 morning show host, alongside Brent Gunning. Congrats to Ben.
FOTM Blake Murphy is back where he belongs, covering Raptors basketball. Also, I love how JD Bunkis's new show is literally titled "The JD Bunkis Podcast". Why beat around the bush? By the way, I recently tweeted at Mr. Bunkis an invitation to appear on Toronto Mike'd but I haven't heard back.
As the world moves towards podcast and on-demand audio, I'm not sure how much this lineup matters, but so long as there are traffic jams, 590 will have live listeners.