Toronto Mike

People Shout Out

The last time People mentioned me, it was as "the unnamed producer" in a bullshit hit piece about Dean McDermott leaving the podcast he co-hosted with his ex-wife Mary Jo Eustace. This time, I'm named.

Here's the link to the article about Mary Jo Eustace's new podcast Senior Bitches. And here's the line about me!

Senior Bitches, which is produced by her friend Toronto Mike, is just an extension of that curiosity. So far, her interviews have ranged from reminiscing with Furnish about being outsiders at the local Toronto country club where they met when they were both 14, to speaking to actress Maria Del Mar who is receiving treatment for terminal cancer while still grieving the loss of her son who was recently killed.

Here's a screen cap for posterity.

A screen cap from

And here are some handy subscription links so you can subscribe to Senior Bitches.

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About Toronto Mike
I own TMDS and host Toronto MIke'd. Become a Patron.