I received an email from Google the other day. The subject line read "Notice of DMCA removal from Google Search". That got my attention.
Google has been notified, according to the terms of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), that some of the material found on your site allegedly infringes upon the copyrights of others. We’re in the process of removing the allegedly unlawful materials from Google Search results.
I manage tens of thousands of pages on this 20+ year old blog, but I'm pretty careful about posting material that "infringes upon the copyrights of others". So I needed to find out what pages had me removed from Google Search!

A resminair accused me of posting pictures from her OnlyFans page. Of course, I've never, ever shared any pictures on this blog from OnlyFans, but what pages did this resminair want removed?

That's right, a completely different Reshmi Nair. This DMCA removal notice is 100% bullshit.