FOTM Rob Preuss invited me to see him perform at The Moonshine Cafe in Oakville last night. I don't know why I was so optimistic that February 23rd would be a great night for a long bike ride, but I always intended to bike to the venue and enjoy a very late night ride east on the Waterfront Trail. It was going to be a spiritual journey.

Mother nature, however, had other plans, so I had to cancel the ride. But I was there last night at a cozy and intimate venue to hear Rob play songs from his life, including several Spoons songs with FOTM Sandy Horne.

Even Brittlestar was there, singing lead vocals on Honeymoon Suite's Lethal Weapon.

A great night of music with great people in snowy Oakville. Shout out to Kanada Kev who gave me a push when the car got stuck in the ice and snow!