I was chatting with Jeff Hutcheson when I learned Rod Black was no longer with Bell Media. Jeff Hutcheson worked with Rod Black on Canada AM, and we discussed Rod's announcement in episode 931 of Toronto Mike'd.
🥲♥️🎙Sad to say goodbye today to my friends at CTV and TSN but so excited for my next chapter which will be as amazing the last. Thank you. Had the time of my life. Cheers🇨🇦👊
— Rod Black 🇨🇦 (@RodBlackTSN) October 14, 2021
This news saddens me. Rod Black is one of the most beloved regular guests on Toronto Mike'd because he's hilarious and totally gets the vibe of the show. If you only know Rod because of his calls of CFL games, or Jays games, or figure skating, do yourself a favour and catch up on his first two Toronto Mike'd appearances.
FOTMs will never forgot when Rod Black was the special surprise guest for an episode of Pandemic Friday. He kicked out the first jam (a Kiss song) and then stuck around for almost three hours.
Then, with 75 FOTMs gathered at Great Lakes Brewery for TMLX8, while Rod was in Calgary for the women's hockey championship, he zoomed in to say farewell to Pandemic Fridays. We couldn't have asked for a better ending.
Rod, if you're reading this, thanks for four great decades and best of luck in the next chapter. I'm ready to record another episode of Toronto Mike'd when you are.
Update: I just got off the phone with Rod Black and here's our conversation.