Toronto Mike

The Best Comedy Movies from Marvel

Marvel is known as the best action movie production company of the 21st century. And, there are a lot of online casino games that have been inspired by a lot of these movies. The best part is that they keep on producing new movies that can be used for your real money online casino game themes.

There is nothing that is as fun as an action movie that has little comedy in it too. And, you can also get to it from some of the marvel movies. If you do not know the movies, there is a list of the top 5 action comedies from marvel.


There is nothing as funny as a little boy in a grown man’s body. After being adopted a young man gets superpowers from a wizard that will also turn him into a grown up. Watch as the story takes a crazy twist and he ends up saving the world from an evil self-made wizard.


Wade finds out that he has cancer and has no time left. His desperation to live makes him a victim of a scientist who is only trying to advance his interests. Although Wade gets healed and ends up with superpowers, he ends up being a disfigured immortal seeking revenge.

Spider- Man: Far From Home

This movie brings a different twist to the Peter Parker character. The movie is a continuation of life after the Avengers: End Game with a lot of comic parts in-store for you.  After the death of Tony Stark, he leaves his legacy to Peter Parker, the high school kid he thinks has so much potential. But, does he? Did you know there are Spider-man themed online casino slots? You can head to paripop casino en ligne to find out yourself.


Based on a comic book, the movie focuses on how a geek ends up saving his community from a mob-boss Frank D’Amico. There are a lot of funny parts from how he got to harness his powers and pick his costume as well.

Guardians of the Galaxy

The 2014 movie focuses on how out-of-space rebels end up saving the galaxy from doom. We all know that a team of Zoe Saldana, Vin Diesel, Chris Pratt, Bautista and Bradley Cooper will win in the end.

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