I have not written a word about Donald Trump since his inauguration. In fact, I've written about him only once since he was elected. That entry is here.
I personally find Trump as POTUS so distasteful and disappointing, I can't write about it. Remember when everyone was loving Alec Baldwin's portrayal of Trump on SNL? I couldn't watch. I find nothing funny about any of this, because the stakes are too damn high.
So why am I breaking my Trump silence and writing about him today? Because he's finally done something completely ridiculous and tone deaf that's equally harmless. This story doesn't end with anyone being deported or killed and doesn't infringe on anyone's freedom or rights. I'd insert a joke about one's rights to a healthy, decent meal, but this surreal happening was 100% optional for all attendees.
The NCAA champion Clemson Tigers football team were welcomed to the White House by Trump who greeted them with fast food. There was McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Burger King and Dominos served on silver platters, behind a gilded candelabra.

A few thoughts immediately come to mind:
- Imagine how cold that fast food was by the time the team got to eat. I personally need my McDonald's fries to be piping hot and fresh from the vat. This food must have been room temperature when the players got to it.
- Trump is using the Lincoln silverware and platters... for fast food. There's literally Lincoln gravy boats filled with Chicken McNugget sauces... in their plastic containers. That's ludicrous and perhaps as perfect a symbol of this administration's two years in power as anything I've seen yet.
- Close your eyes and imagine for a moment if Obama did this. Imagine Obama serving the national champions fast food burgers.
- Trump has been in power for two years now. Where on the list of Trump controversies would you rank this? Does it even crack the top 100?
When asked why he went with fast food, Trump said it was because the team featured "very large people that like eating." On that note, we now return to not writing about Trump.