I've written extensively about how much I loved The Simpsons. I've probably seen every episode from the first six seasons 20-30 times each by now. I watched them when they first aired, on VHS, in syndication, on DVD, streamed from the web, with my kids and by myself.
This weekend, the kids and I revisited season five. That's a tremendous season, possibly the best of all. It includes Homer Goes to College, which includes this shot of Homer's cinder block bookshelf.

I first watched Homer Goes to College on October 14, 1993. A couple of years later, when I was living off campus at Charles Street and Yonge, I followed Homer's lead and built a similar bookshelf. Below is a photo of the only photo I have of this bookcase that served me well in university.

I've still got that Pulp Fiction poster hanging in my basement.