Toronto Mike

What's the Big Deal With Wearing a Niqab?

This election has gone on far too long. Shame on Harper. It's so long, a usually informed and engaged chap like me has yet to truly plug-in.

I was at a wedding Saturday and chatted with a buddy who noticed I haven't written about our federal election. The fact is, I did write one entry, but that's it. I just haven't dove in yet.

But I do read the news, listen to the news, and follow the zeitgeist via Twitter, and there's an awful lot of noise about women wearing a niqab during citizenship ceremonies. People seemed outraged that this could one day be permitted. In fact, actual issues of importance have been drowned out by this debate. It's sad.

What am I missing here? Is this plain and simple Islamophobia? Why does it matter if a woman wears a niqab during a citizenship ceremony?

I'm not a fan of any religion. I think it's a big honkin' slice of bullshit designed to oppress and suppress, and I believe we'd all be far better off without any of it, but I respect one's right to follow a religion, even Islam.

I think some people confuse issues, and think women will not be identifying themselves before reciting the oath. The fact is, would-be Canadians are required to provide multiple proofs of identity and those who wear face coverings must remove them before the ceremony in private before a citizenship official. The citizenship ceremony comes after these key steps.

Harper might not be a very good Prime Minister, but he's a very clever campaigner. He's managed to tap into Canadians' racism to win a minority government.

I hope I'm wrong. I hope Canada is better than that.

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