More than any other header tagline in the history of this site, "It's Patrick, He Got Life Insurance" has elicited the greatest response.
I actually wasn't sure whether it was "It's Patrick, He Bought Life Insurance" or "It's Patrick, He Got Life Insurance," but I remember well the ad the line was from. It was an ad for Norwich Union that I must have seen a hundred times. An elderly couple receive a call from their son Patrick who is trying to convince them to buy life insurance. It was highly memorable for a few reasons.
- The old dude answered the phone and a mere second later announces to his wife that it's their son Patrick and he got life insurance. Patrick must be one hell of a fast talker, because the speed at which this information is conveyed is unbelievable. He doesn't open with a "Hi dad, how are you?" but in a one-second time period he manages to cram in the "hi dad, it's Patrick" and "I got life insurance" and the dad deems this news so exciting that he can't wait a minute to share it with his wife.
- Throughout the call, the mother of Patrick had several questions about this life insurance. She asked these questions through her husband by writing them down on paper. But not just any paper with any pen or pencil, but big white paper with coloured markers, that just happened to be by the phone. How convenient!
- And finally, we know the son is a fast talker, but he comes by it honestly. Mom is a super fast writer. The speed at which she neatly wrote the questions in magic marker was incredible.
I loved to hate that ad. It's right up there with The Clapper and I've Fallen and I Can't Get Up. Sadly, I couldn't find the ad on YouTube. Can anyone help me score video of this classic Norwich Union ad?