Occasionally, I have ideas. Some of these ideas make it further than others. One idea I had, about 18-months ago, was for a blog catering to Toronto mothers. My wife was to author this blog and it would include "what to do with your kids in the GTA" info.
She was gung ho about the idea, but life got in the way. Here's what I have:
- The domain name torontomommy.com
- A host with lots of space
- Movable Type installed and fine tuned by yours truly
- An initial design that I'm not a big fan of and am happy to change
All I need is an author. Is anyone out there interested in blogging at torontomommy.com? The only prerequisite is that you're a mother and that you live in the GTA. The subject matter is up to you, as long as it's family friendly.
I'll support you technically and show you the Movable Type ropes. You just have to supply the content. You don't have to pay a penny for the hosting or domain name or any of that jazz.
Let me know if you're interested. TorontoMommy.com needs an author!