Toronto Mike

Jeremy Hotz


I saw my brothers on the weekend, and we ended up talking about Jeremy Hotz.  Jeremy Hotz is a Canadian comic who did a great set at the Just For Laughs comedy festival many years ago.  We recorded this performance and watched it several times.  This weekend, we recited it.

A couple of weeks ago, I had the same experience with one of my wife's friend's husbands.  He had the same set memorized and we went through the whole thing.  Here are the bits I recall.

  • The New York Zoo in winter - the unnatural state of freezing giraffes and their farts
  • The smell of pee in China town - you never catch the guy doing it
  • Cana-duh - duh is in the name of our country.  We should invade a country because nobody will have seen it coming.  We'll invade Turkey and name it Chicken.
  • The crack RCMP squad defending the Prime Minister.  Guy breaks in with a plastic knife from KFC and Aline Chretien foils the whole plot by closing the door.
  • Stuff in the mail - Mr. Christie, you make good cookies... just don't mail them ya asshole.  I used free samples of maxi-pads as coffee filters and now the garbage man thinks I have a terrible disease.

I couldn't find that routine online, but here's another one that's pretty funny.

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About Toronto Mike
I own TMDS and host Toronto MIke'd. Become a Patron.