Anyone is welcome to submit a Guest Blog Entry to torontomike.com. I received the following entry earlier today.
A group of CBC documentarians are trying to come to grips with one of the ties that bind most of us together, a hatred of Toronto. Filmmaker Albert Nerenberg, has a blog chronicling his trip across Canada to assess whether Toronto-hating is real or mere urban legend.
Nerenberg, who plans to turn the whole adventure into a movie called Let's All Hate Toronto, started his journey on May 23 in Vancouver with Mr. Toronto (aka his co-director, Rob Spence). The pair have been holding "Toronto Appreciation Day" rallies to gauge the level of ire and so far have been punched, embraced and ignored.
You can follow Mr. Toronto's journey at http://mrtoronto.blogspot.com/
Yes, I stumbled upon Mr. Toronto's blog a few days ago. He was in Edmonton taunting people there with a #99 Gretzky Leafs jersey. If done right, "Let's All Hate Toronto" could be pretty damn funny.
I'm well aware the rest of Canada hates us, but I take that as a compliment. As the centre of not only Canada but the entire planet, it's expected others would envy us. Their jealousy is a constant reminder that we're on top.