My riding had a candidate meeting last night. Liberal MP Sam Bulte was there and somebody asked her if she was willing to take the copyright pledge. If you read this blog, you've read all about Sam Bulte and her transparent conflict of interest.
Local blogger Accordion Guy also lives in my riding and he took this video of Bulte's response. My favourite part is when Bulte says "People support me because they support my voice for the artist and I will not allow Michael Geist and his pro-user zealot Electronic Frontier Foundation members to intimidate me into silence my voice."
In 2004, Bulte won by less than 3,500 votes over NDP candidate Peggy Nash. There must be at least 3,500 pro-user zealots around here who won't allow Sam Bulte to intimidate them into silencing their voice. They'll be heard from on January 23.