Toronto Mike

9 Science-Backed Benefits Of Trans Resveratrol For Your Body And Mind

Resveratrol is the newest and most popular health supplement, which has taken the fitness world by storm. This huge popularity of resveratrol can be credited to the several newly found health benefits of the supplement.

These benefits include enhanced cardiac health, cognitive development, and even increased weight loss. However, resveratrol remains highly underrated due to numerous gimmicky health supplements aggressively marketed in the consumer realm.

Therefore, this comprehensive guide is going to reveal nine science-backed benefits of trans-resveratrol for your body and mind.

1. Promotes Better Ageing & Longevity

Medical research indicates one of the trans resveratrol benefits includes the ability to slow down the aging process and increase the life spans of numerous living organisms such as mice, fruit flies, or fish.

Researchers from Harvard University have revealed that mice fed with resveratrol had a surprising 25% greater life expectancy than mice that were not given this powerful antioxidant. In addition, due to the daily intake of resveratrol, the mice did not gain weight despite being on a high-calorie and fat diet!

A new scientific study reveals that the same antioxidant may extend the longevity of human cells. Resveratrol appears to decrease the consequences of aging by activating the sirtuin gene. The sirtuin enzyme is thought to be primarily responsible for increasing our tolerance to stress and capacity to live.

2. Improved Mitochondrial Function

The mitochondria are commonly called the body's powerhouses. Every cell has a number of these tiny organelles, each of which is responsible for turning food molecules into energy that allows cells, tissues, organs, and organisms to operate.

However, mitochondria become malfunctioning when you age. Mitochondrial malfunction, along with oxidative stress, is thought to contribute to aging and age-related diseases. Furthermore, it is currently believed that malfunctioning mitochondria create hazardous chemicals that might contribute to systemic disease.

In several studies, resveratrol appears to maintain these essential organelles healthier and longer, perhaps promoting healthy metabolism and aging. This seems to be accomplished mainly through the activation of SIRT1 and mTOR, two essential protein networks known to regulate fundamental cellular lifespan pathways.

3. Provides Energy Boost

It is considered that the present popularity of resveratrol as a supplement stems mainly from its capacity to treat those suffering from chronic fatigue by improving energy production. Medical studies have consistently supported this statement.

For example, according to the findings of one study, "Resveratrol protects against physical fatigue and improves exercise performance in mice." In animal tests, resveratrol was shown to boost treadmill running time significantly. In humans, resveratrol supplementation improves athletic performance by boosting cardiovascular efficiency during exercise.

Resveratrol activates the PGC-1α protein, leading to better mitochondrial growth in brain, heart, and muscle tissue. This reduces oxidative stress and increases the quantity and efficiency of mitochondria.

4. Demonstrates Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Resveratrol looks to be one such weapon since it has been shown to have a good influence on the body's own inflammatory signaling networks.

This is accomplished mainly through positive effects on the body's cytokine system.

Cytokines are unique proteins that modulate the immune system. Some are pro-inflammatory and cause inflammation, usually in reaction to an acute injury or illness.

Not all cytokines are immune system cells, but each affects how the immune system works. Furthermore, studies suggest that resveratrol decreases chronic inflammation by lowering the following pro-inflammatory cytokines:

  • Interleukin-1 beta (IL-1)
  • Interleukin 8 (IL-8)
  • Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha)
  • Monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP-1)

Resveratrol also appears to suppress inflammation by regulating the SIRT1 and NF-KB pathways, two signaling networks that are critical in influencing the inflammatory response.

5. Aids in Neurological Health

Resveratrol appears to be effective in improving brain health and preventing several degenerative neurological disorders, including Alzheimer's disease.

In Alzheimer's disease, amyloid protein plaques build in the brain, blocking nitric oxide synthase synthesis and creating a pathological increase in p53 gene activity, which leads to widespread brain cell death.

Resveratrol contains a particular chemical called polyphenol, which can affect multiple critical communication pathways in and between cells.

However, resveratrol has been shown to have a remarkable potential to prevent harm by decreasing p53 aberrant activity, therefore preserving nerve and brain cells.

6. Provides Diabetic & Insulin Resistance

Resveratrol can be significantly helpful in fighting insulin resistance and regulating blood glucose levels.

In randomized controlled studies, resveratrol supplementation was found to be effective for those suffering from insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome, as it dramatically improved lipid and glucose metabolic abnormalities in patients with type 2 diabetes.

7. Mimics the Results of Low-calorie Intake

A 2012 study found that the activity of resveratrol mirrors a calorie-restricted diet. As part of the study, investigators administered resveratrol pills to a group of obese males. It was discovered that the chemical caused metabolic effects like exercise and calorie restriction.

8. Demonstrates Cancer-inhibiting Properties

Numerous studies have shown that resveratrol inhibits cancer growth via many pathways. This can be accomplished by limiting blood supply to tumors, slowing cancer cell growth, and blocking cyclooxygenase-1 and COX-2.

For example, in one research on mice with neuroblastoma tumors, a daily intake of 40mg of resveratrol per kg of body weight enhanced mouse longevity by up to 70%. In 1997, researchers discovered that a topical application of this strong antioxidant might lower the number of skin tumors in mice by up to 98%.

9. Improved Blood Circulation

Several randomized, placebo-controlled trials found that taking resveratrol supplements reduced atherogenic and inflammatory status in both at-risk participants and those with existing coronary heart disease.

Resveratrol has been demonstrated to increase blood vessel dilatation, improve blood circulation, and lessen the risk of atherosclerosis by reducing the production of fatty plaques and platelet clotting in blood vessels.

Additionally, resveratrol's capacity to widen blood arteries is due to an increase in nitric oxide signaling via calcium-mediated potassium channel activation.


Resveratrol has garnered widespread attention in a short span of time due to its numerous health benefits. Derived from grapes, this supplement has known promises to inhibit cancer growth along with its high bioavailability.

High antioxidant capacity, anti-inflammatory potential, and enhanced blood circulation are just a few of the most exciting results from recent research on this ancient polyphenol.

Furthermore, due to its widespread dispersion, this potent plant appears to have a beneficial effect on the human body's most critical longevity networks.

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