As I shared yesterday, I had a great time at the Toronto premiere of 299 Queen Street West, a documentary about Muchmusic. A fun nostalgic rump followed by great conversations with several FOTMs. I didn't bike home from Roy Thomson Hall until midnight.
That doesn't mean this is a perfect film. I'll share more of my thoughts on Toronto Mike'd tomorrow with my guest Michael Williams, but one fact stated in the documentary that's definitely wrong is that Barenaked Ladies made their teleivision debut on Speaker's Corner. Here's that footage.
That legend that BNL's 1991 Speaker's Corner appearance was their TV debut is not true. Barenaked Ladies made their national television debut on YTV in 1990 when they won a YTV Achievement Award.
When I tweeted about this, FOTM Hall of Famer Ed Conroy replied with a quote from The Man Who Shot Liberty Vallance. "Print the legend". To that I say bullshit... a lie is still a lie, even when it becomes a legend. Pass me the red pill, please.