Toronto Mike

Why Do Pugs Snore So Loudly?


Every wrinkle on a pug means more good luck to its owner, according to Chinese Folklore. But every pug comes with a caveat; they snore a little more like humans than most dogs! A big draw of having a dog is the on-demand and overnight cuddles.

With pugs, their louder snorts can wake up light sleepers (is that you?) We partnered with Edith at Spot Dog Walkers to walk-through: (1) reasons why pugs snore, and (2) solutions to help it!

In this TorontoMike blog, we hope to help answer questions about why pugs really snore so much! Don’t fret, pugs make up for it ten times over in affection and being the most doggone relaxed pup breeds you’ll find.

Part One: 6 Reasons Why Pugs Snore

Here’s a quick-read list of why your pug might be a high-decibel snorer. Of course, please do know that none of this article is meant as medical advice!—it’s just getting into some armchair philosophy about pugs, and popular theories and solutions.


More snoring is another side-effect of your pug being overweight; those extra rolls might be putting pressure on your pug’s airways, causing those snores!

Diet and exercise make all the difference here. Try cutting back on the treats and gradually increase your walking activity with your dog.


Do you think humans snore more as they get older? According to the Sleep Foundation, the answer is “yes”! It’s the same for pugs; as they get older, they tend to snore more.

To help it out, you can reposition your dog, mid-sleep, in a way where he or she can have better airflow while chasing dream-squirrels.


Dogs don’t deserve it at all, but they do get allergies just like humans; hives, inflammation, sneezing, and yes—snoring too!

Your vet might prescribe antihistamine-type or anti-inflammatory medications to get through a certain season, or whatever may be your dog’s situation.


You know that thing where French Bulldogs, Pugs, Boxers, Shih Tzus, and Boston Terriers have in common, with their pushed-in snouts? That’s called being a “brachycephalic” dog!

That leaves those breeds, including pugs, more prone to airway-related troubles like reverse sneezes or snoring.

Under the Weather

Dogs have times when they feel sick too; their noses might feel a bit inflamed which can make snoring easier to fall into. They’re just like humans in that way!

For this, allowing your dog more time to rest and recuperate, sleep should be helpful. If conditions worsen you could get an assessment from your local veterinarian.

Side-Effects of Medications

Who hasn’t taken an antihistamine or two for allergies and fallen into a snoring sleep soon after? Medications can have the same effect on your pug, knocking him or her into a deep and snoring-filled slumber.

Part Two: 4 Solutions to Help Quiet Pug Snoring

It’s not easy to fix a bad bout of snoring all the time, especially when you think of it as humans, how it’s hard to just stop being a snorer.

With that being said, there are solutions available for you to try at your own discretion; only veterinarians could offer you true medical advice, these are just popular ideas that pug owners normally suggest.

Using a Pillow

You can prop your sleeping beauty on a pillow, adjusting the pillow in a way that kind of lifts your dog’s chin upwards, so it allows your dog’s airways to flow.

Higher Humidity

It’s possible that dry air isn’t helping your dog’s airways. The lower moisture might not sit well with your dog’s breathing, triggering louder snores.

You can try buying a used humidifier, testing for a week or two if leaving your bedroom at a higher humidity means less snoring. You might actually love the higher humidity while sleeping too!

Get a Circular Bed

This might not work, but it’s an idea! You can try getting your dog a circular bed. Without any “edge” on the bed, there might be less chance of obstruction of your dog’s airways, leading to the snoring.

Dental Health

Sometimes your dog’s breathing might actually be coming from some tooth decay or odd abscesses. In that case, visiting the veterinarian is the best course of action to solve that problem before it gets any bigger.

Smoke Away From Your Dog

Being “brachycephalic” dogs (meaning one of those breeds like Shih Tzus, Boxers, Bulldogs, and so on, with pushed-in snouts), smoke isn’t immediately harmful to your dog, but it won’t help any breathing troubles that are leading to snoring, so it’s best to smoke away from your dog.

Clean Their Bedding

Without regular vacuuming every few days and full machine washing every week, allergens and other particles bothering your pup’s lungs can build-up! Regular vacuuming and cleaning is proven to vastly improve humans’ breathing, so for both your sake and your dog’s sake, keep up those cleaning routines if you can!


Pugs are as wrinkly as they are loving, but they can be louder snorers. Being “brachycephalic” dogs, meaning their snouts are pushed-in, their airways are naturally a bit more delicate than other dogs, leading to a bit more snoring and breathing issues. However, there are plenty of solutions available for you to easily snuggle with you puggle, so keep at it!

We hope you enjoyed this article on why pugs snore loudly, and ways to help your dog get past it. We would like to thank Spot Dog Walkers, Toronto’s most reliable dog walker app, for this sponsored post, shedding a bit more light on this slumbering and affectionate breed.

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