Toronto Mike

Why Coffee Shops Are Starting To Offer CBD-Infused Products

CBD is fast becoming an alternative treatment for various health conditions. As a result, more and more products are being released into the marketplace that contains CBD. It is commonly consumed in an oil (tincture) form as well as in a variety of edibles. With this in mind, it only makes sense that CBD would eventually find its way onto the menus of coffee shops all over the country.

What Is CBD?

CBD is the abbreviation for the word cannabidiol. Cannabidiol is one of over 100 different compounds found in the hemp plant. Hemp and marijuana are separate varieties of the cannabis family of plants. CBD contains several different properties that have been useful as a treatment for many different kinds of health issues.

What makes CBD so attractive as an alternative treatment is that is it all-natural, does not contain the high that is associated with THC (from marijuana) and is far less expensive than some medications. CBD is also legal and can be purchased in many mainstream venues. As a pain management tool, CBD has become the most popular.

Clinical Proof

As popular as CBD is becoming, there is little in clinical research that has been done related to the safety and efficacy of the product. However, there have been some studies conducted on CBD and how it works to combat several different conditions in the body. CBD interacts directly with the cannabinoid system which controls most bodily functions.

The CB1 and CB2 receptors in the body respond to stimulus from CBD. What this in effect does is help to regulate abnormal signaling in the brain. This has been contributed to how CBD assists with epilepsy, anxiety and sleep disorders. It has also been proven to provide pain relief by reducing inflammation making CBD a choice for those with chronic arthritic pain.

CBD vs Marijuana

There continues to be much in the way of confusion between marijuana and CBD. CBD comes from the hemp plant and THC from the marijuana plant. Where the confusion seems to stem from is that both of these plants are cannabis, although very different varieties of it. CBD has many of the same properties as THC, minus the high that comes from it.

In a way, and since we are talking about coffee shops here, you could call CBD the decaffeinated version of THC. The differences are far more complex than that, but for a simple understanding of what CBD is and what it is not, viewing it as the powerless cousin of THC should help to demonstrate that the two have similarities but are two very different products.

CBD In Coffee

CBD is federally legal now that a Farm Bill has been signed by the United States. However, the Food and Drug Administration hasn’t quite caught up to that yet. This means that although CBD really shouldn’t be added to foods, many are already doing this. CBD tea has been a popular homemade drink for quite some time.

So it shouldn’t be much of a surprise the see CBD on the menu of your local coffee shop and when you think about it, it isn’t much of a stretch. Imagine what coffee drinkers must have thought the first time chocolate was added to their caffeine beverage. Nowadays it is a regular item known as Mocha. You didn’t know that? Well, now you do.

How Much CBD Is Enough?

Not getting into the politics of how many hemp plants are required to produce any amount of CBD, let’s look at how much CBD you should be consuming to treat whatever ailment you are using it for. First, let’s talk about THC for a moment. There is no more than 0.3% THC in the hemp plant, where CBD comes from. However, the marijuana plant has 10% or more THC.

This means that you won’t be getting high from CBD as there isn’t enough THC in the plant that produced CBD. Got that? So what is considered a safe dosage of CBD? That has no clear answer because there are so many variables involved. First, there is no regulation from the FDA as to what would be considered a safe dosage, although you can’t overdose on CBD.

The format that the CBD is in will have an impact on dosage as will the size of the individual consuming it. The severity of the condition being treated and how the individual responds to that treatment are all variables that will affect the size of the dosage. But there is a method that can be used to determine an approximate dose for use with CBD.

Trial And Error

Assuming you are using a CBD tincture, you will have a dropper that came with the bottle of the CBD oil. Some of the droppers have measurements on them and others do not. A typical dosage could be five milligrams or you could count drops and use 8 or ten drops. If you don’t experience any relief, increase the dosage until you do in a trial and error style of application.

The same method could be used when adding CBD oil to food. Follow your chosen recipe and add a few drops as you go. Coffee shops are also using the trial and error method but expect your CBD-infused coffee to contain a lower dose of CBD than you may add at home. Or better yet, why not carry your CBD oil with you, order a regular coffee and add your dosage?

Trending Now

CBD-infused products are currently riding the wave of a trend. This means that it is very likely short-lived until the next new trend comes around. Regardless of what CBD drinks are being featured this week at the corner coffee shop, one thing is for sure. Once they fall off the menu, you can still purchase and use CBD products as the popularity of this hemp product is not going to wane anytime soon. For pain sufferers and those with anxiety, this is truly good news to come from the coffee shop gossip.

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About Toronto Mike
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