A couple of years ago, the six of us drove to PEI for what I thought might be a last hurrah of sorts. My oldest son was 14 and I wasn't sure how interested he'd be in future family road trips. Luckily, the now 16 year old still digs me and we got to do it all again, this time with two teenagers in tow.

This time, we rented a ski chalet via Airbnb in the resort town of Mont Tremblant, Quebec, right by Pedestrian Village. We drove in a 2018 Ford Expedition SUV which was... enormous. Two adults, two teenagers and two toddlers and plenty of room to spare. Seriously, this is one big automobile.

It was about 600 KM door-to-door, but smooth sailing. With the toddlers, you can only drive so many KMs in a row, so there were stops at Onroutes and in Gatineau to break things up. We were driving the 2018 Expedition Platinum so we were loaded with USB ports, charging pads, and a premium 12-speaker audio system from HARMAN that kicked ass.

Mont Tremblant was fantastic. In addition to great hikes on the mountain, we drove to the national park for more tremendous hiking. I wore the two year old so she couldn't slow us down.

On the way home, to break things up, we stopped in Brockville to check out the Brockville Railway Tunnel, Canada's first railway tunnel. I highly recommend it!