We're a couple of weeks removed from the final Tragically Hip show in Kingston and I'm still digesting it all. Certain images are etched in my psyche and keep pushing their way to the forefront. One such image is Gord Downie in his Jaws t-shirt.

Gord wore that t-shirt throughout the tour. When I saw it during the Toronto show I attended, I started wondering about the symbolism. There's no way that's a random choice of shirt, our poet laureate was saying something.
The Dark Canuck refrerences Jaws.
In the clouds of blood at the end of Jaws
In the misted cars honking their applause
At the drive-in double feature
At the heart of dark enough
It's Jaws and The Dark Canuck
Should we stay for The Dark Canuck?
Then, there's the obivious. The shark is Gord's cancer and the swimmer is Gord. He can keep swimming, but the shark is looming, preparing to pounce. It's only a matter of time...
I've decided I need to buy a Jaws t-shirt, exactly like the one Gord wore. I'd rather buy one in person than online, so if you know a place in Toronto that's selling these shirts without charging an arm and a leg, let me know.
Because I was in Cape Breton during the final Hip concert, I only recently saw Michael de Adder's "For Canadian eyes only" cartoon for the Toronto Star. It's fantastic.

One of the four iconic images de Adder chose was Terry Fox running in his Marathon of Hope. I'll be running for Terry later this month and would be honoured if you'd pledge my run. Here's the link: http://www.terryfox.ca/torontomike
This shark, swallow you whole.