I love fatherhood. I think I'm pretty good at it. At least my kids tell me so. I do my very best and treat the responsibility as if it's the most important job I'll ever have.
My first born will soon be 14-years old. We talk about everything. My goal is to make him twice the man I ever was, and we're well on our way.
My daughter is 11, and whether it's competitive dance or soccer, she's full of passion. This star shines bright and I cherish every minute I spend with her.
Then there's my youngest son. He's 17-months old and a little ball of energy. This experience has been so rewarding, so enriching, I simply couldn't say no to my wife when she suggested we try for one more.
This morning, I got to see the little peanut who will be my fourth child. He / she is active and has a strong heartbeat, and I can't wait to meet him / her. I can't wait to do it one more time.

But then, that's it. I'm done.