Following the Royal's extra innings win over the A's last night, Toronto Sun columnist Steve Simmons tweeted at Blue Jays all-star Jose Bautista. Usually, such rhetorical tweets don't get a reply from the athlete mentioned. This time, Joey Bats responded.

Good for Bautista, right? I was one of over 1900 people to retweet his response because it was so out of the ordinary. But what if Jose Bautista didn't write and send that tweet? What if a PR firm managed his Twitter feed?
It looks like that tweet was actually sent by someone at the PR firm responsible for Bautista's Twitter feed. Personally, I avoid following all verified Twitter accounts when the owner of the account doesn't do their own tweeting. I have no interest in hearing from a hired PR firm.
I'd like a list of celebrities who manage their own Twitter account. Someone should create a definitive list. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like Joey Bats would make that list.