I spoke with Steven Kerzner today. Steven is the voice and creator of Ed the Sock, whose last show on CITY-TV was way back in 2008.
I used to watch Ed the Sock on Cable 10 before CITY-TV picked up the broadcast rights. At the time, it was co-hosted by Harland Williams and we thought he was pretty damn funny. A couple of hosts later, on CITY-TV, my good friend Humble Howard Glassman co-hosted with Ed.
In an interview I did with Humble Howard a couple of years ago I asked him about working with Ed the Sock. Here's what he had to say about Ed.
Q: I hear things didn't end well with you and the sock on Ed's Night Party? Care to dish the deets?
A: I don't want to say anything about ED or the midget that has his hand up his ass that hasn't already been said by just about everyone that's met him.
Today, I asked Steven Kerzner about his feud with Humble Howard Glassman.
I really didn't have a problem with Howard, in fact I liked him. There were some tensions in the first season because we were adapting the show from cable to broadcast TV at the same time as Howard and I had never worked together before and so the show's previous rhythms needed evolving. I don't see that as any failing of Howard's, in fact he did his best to roll with the punches and grow in his role.
He was replaced as host only because Citytv had been running reruns of the series for 18 months, causing massive tune-out, and when we got the go-ahead to come back, it was decided we needed to make some very noticeable changes in the show so that people flipping by would know these were new episodes. Part of that was changing the direction of the show. It was never anything personal, though I think it was depicted as being so by others and communicated that way to Howard.
When Howard started up his internet show, I sent him a message wishing him well and he replied in kind, and I am very glad for his success.
So, really, no mud to sling from my direction toward Howard. His career speaks for itself as an example of talent and smart decisions.
I also asked Ed the Sock about why he left MuchMusic back in 2007 and why he was coming back now. Here's what Ed had to say.
Why I left Muchmusic in 07 is kind of irrelevant, by which I mean - none of anyone's business. When I left, Fromage was still scoring them big numbers, to the point where they ran 4 hour marathons of it long before A&E did the same for Storage Wars, and I was still their top VJ (buzz off Rick, you know it's true). Sometimes good to leave before people want you to leave. Remember this next time you're at a party at my house.
I've been doing my new series with Liana K, 'I Hate Hollywood', on CHCH since the fall, and before that did 'This Movie Sucks' for CH as well. But all I hear, day after day, is "when are you going back to Much?" "I miss Fromage, bring it back" etc. Thanks to Facebook and Twitter, I am able to hear these sentiments several times each day, at all hours of the day. Thank you, Al Gore.
I have been feeling that, in leaving, I have denied new generations of viewers the chance to enjoy watching me expose the BS behind the PR spin and image-making of their favourite music stars. VJs speak to viewers, I speak for them. Much viewers don't have an avatar of their cynicism, underestimated intelligence and BS filter anymore...so, here I am.
How it happened that I am popping back up on Much? A simple conversation. Wish it were more exciting, but this is Canada and we don't do that.
I've got both Steven and Ed to agree to appear on the Humble and Fred podcast. We're going to make this happen.