I'm still driving the Lincoln MKX lent to me by Ford. Although I thought I hated big cars, I've never had more fun driving an automobile. It's also been the largest car I've ever driven, but that's about to change.

Ford saw me make that claim, and offered me an F-150 SVT Raptor for the weekend. Apparently, it will be the largest car I've ever driven. I'll find out Friday.

Now a quick word about the lost art of shillalry. Ford doesn't pay me to write about their fleet, but they do let me test drive their cars. I enjoy these little vacations from my '99 Mazda and write about the experiences. I've written 10888 entries and maybe 50 of those have been of the shill variety. That's 0.4592211609110948%. 0.4592211609110948% of entries on this site are about a product or service I got for free.
The other 99.5407788% is fair compensation, wouldn't you say? Hate these shillesque entries about the Lincoln MKX and F-150 SVT Raptor if you will, but ask yourself this question.... If you put as much time into your blog as I do, and Ford offers to lend you an F-150 SVT Raptor for the weekend, do you say no?