There's a lot of Toronto sports media movement this week. I've just heard Mike Richards is leaving Calgary for a spot on TSN Radio. Wait... there's a TSN Radio now? How long was I sick?
Here's a nice email about it that I just received from Adam.
As a follow-up to your post from June (http://www.torontomike.com/2010/06/is_the_mike_richards_show_comi.html) Mike Richards resigned today from CFAC-AM (Sportsnet Radio, Fan 960 – Calgary) and per The Globe is coming to Toronto to host the morning drive for CHUM-AM (TSN Radio, 1050 Toronto).
First reported at http://torontosportsmedia.com/sports-and-toronto/mike-richards-headed-toronto-sports/10065.
Then confirmed at http://www.theglobeandmail.com/sports/bruce-dowbiggin/tsn-radio-a-reality/article1878887.
And then finally officially confirmed at http://rogersradiointernet.com/hq/newsletters/cache/4336.html.
P.S. Love the blog man, long time reader, first time writer…
That CP24 simulcast on 1050 was a complete bust. I'm glad to see it dead.