I'm well aware that only a handful of you actually care about Raging Storm, a slo-pitch team in the competitive division of the RSPA, but this entry is for that handful of Storm-rootin' peeps.
Last night, at Max Ward Park in Etobicoke, we played the defending champions in the first round of the playoffs. It's single knock-out, so if you lose you're done for the season. It's two games, and the cumulative score determines the winner who advances to the next round.
We were out played in game one. A few defensive lapses started to make it look awfully ugly, and when all was said and done, we were down by 7 runs. That meant we had to win game two by 8 or more runs to extend the season.
Let's see... Game Over had just smoked our ass, they're the defending champion and they just have to lose by 6 or less to advance. It looked bad, Michael Jackson bad. We needed a miracle.
Boom goes the dynamite! Raging Storm's defense was perfect in game two. Our bats were on fire. We mercied 'em, winning 16-1 and easily winning the series by +8.
Do you believe in miracles? Yes!