One unexpected perk in driving this new car for ten days is getting a chance to sample Sirius satellite radio. The first morning I popped over to Sirius to give it a listen, I shot straight for channel 100. That's the Howard Stern station.
At some point after Humble & Fred left 102.1 for Mojo, I found myself spending more and more time listening to Howard Stern on Buffalo's WBUF 92.9. The show was simulcast here in Toronto on Q107, but I always found Q107 censored more of the show and aired longer commercials than they did on WBUF.
Before I had ever heard a minute of Stern's radio show, I saw him on the big screen, catching "Private Parts" at the Uptown theatre. I loved the film, loved the radio show and seriously considered (no pun intended) coughing up the coin for satellite at the end of 2005.
For the first time in over two and a half years, I heard the show. It still sounds great and it still makes me laugh my ass off. The addition of George Takei and the uncensored production just makes things better. I don't know which I'll miss more, the awesome Sync technology or Sirius radio.
Oh yeah, there were other great stations too, but I found myself always returning to channel 100. Hey now!