Last night's concert at the Molson Amphitheatre opened with Kill Hannah and closed with Velvet Revolver but for me it was all about Alice in Chains.
I spin the crap out of Dirt regularly and find the Alice in Chains sound appeals to my sensibilities like very few band do. When Layne Staley passed away, I assumed I had missed my chance to hear these songs live. I'm very happy to report that new lead singer William DuVall is spot on and when I closed my eyes during "Angry Chair", "Them Bones" and "Man in the Box", I couldn't tell the difference. The band was tight, the vocals strong and the entire set was vintage AiC.
It was cool seeing Slash, Duff and Scott on stage as the headliners, but I think they got that backward. Velvet Revolver should have been opening for Alice in Chains. I'm actually surprised Velvet Revolver could carry a show like that. They're okay, with a couple of singles I like, but I don't go to concerts to see a band perform a couple of singles I like. Dare I suggest Velvet Revolver is overrated? I think I just did...
Thanks to ShowClix for sending me to the amp to see one of my favourite bands of all time. I can now cross another item off my "things to do before I die" list.