I was looking over the statistics for our Smells Like Sour website when I noticed a disturbing trend I had to write about on the Smells Like Sour Blog. Good Charlotte is very popular.
Quick, name the song that has generated the most interest on this site. If you answered Good Charlotte - Girls And Boys, you're absolutely right. That tune has been discussed 376 at the time of this entry.
Quick, name the song that has generated the second most interest on this site. If you answered Good Charlotte - Bloody Valentine, you're on quite the roll. This tune has been discussed 230 times thus far.
And finally, name the song that has generated the third most interest on this site. If you answered Good Charlotte - Hold On, you're right yet again. That tune has been discussed 226 times as of seconds ago.
Do you notice the trend? Good Charlotte is remarkably popular. This is all the more surprising considering they're simply awful.
In my most humble opinion, Good Charlotte is a wanna-be-punk, nauseatingly mediocre band that can't possibly appeal to anyone over the age of 16. It's safe pop-rock completely void of any soul or integrity. It's horrible.
Horrible, but very popular!