Toronto Mike


Total 81 Posts

Stop Spam!

I fondly recall a time when having four new messages in my inbox meant receiving four pieces of communiqué I actually wanted.  I don't think I've experienced this sensation since the '90s.  My personal email address has become a target for unwanted solicitation for everything from fake diplomas to penile
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Valid XHTML 1.0 and CSS2

I'm proud to declare that all pages within conform to the W3C XHTML 1.0 standard. That means these web pages are now full-fledged XML documents, which can be validated using any XML parser.  Go ahead and click that XHTML 1.0 logo to the left and see
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I Feel So Validated

The World Wide Web Consortium specifies the standards for HTML 4.01.  Their MarkUp Validation Service will actually check your HTML code for conformance to W3C Recommendations and other standards.  As a hand-coder who takes pride in the tidiness of his HTML and CSS, I wanted my code to be
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Thumbs Down

In my blog entry of August 3rd, I announced that this front page of had undergone some major surgery.  I also asked you to let me know if the end result was better or worse than the previous concept that had been around for the past seven months.
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The New Look has pretty much looked the same for about seven months now. As you may have noticed, things have changed. This front page is now the Blog.  Instead of posting just the odd thought or rant, I'll update this Blog every time I add a new picture, video, ticket
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Website Feedback

I've been maintaining this website for about four years now.  I tweak it just about every day, always in pursuit of the unattainable perfection I once read about in an Archie comic.  I've cleaned up the front page by eliminating the border and reducing the highlighted pieces to four.  Simplify,
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