Toronto Mike

My 2 Cents

Total 433 Posts

I Don't Dig Zombies

I know people who are infatuated with the undead.  Specifically, zombies. They watch zombie television shows like The Walking Dead, enjoy zombie movies like World War Z and generally consume anything zombie-related. They just dig the genre. I do not dig the genre.  In fact, I find zombie shows and
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I Love This Heat

According to Twitter, it's hot in Toronto.  I'm told it feels like 44°C out there.  Lots of people are complaining, but you won't hear me bitching about the heat. To borrow a phrase my buddy Mark just used on his blog, the hotter the better.  I've never deemed Toronto
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5 Things I Don't Fully Appreciate

For no particular reason, and in no particular order, here are five things I don't appreciate.  I understand why people dig this stuff, I've just never been able to get into it. The Wu-Tang ClanI've always enjoyed rap, with my favourite group being Public Enemy.  My brother Ryan, a fellow
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I Never Liked Kinder Eggs

Easter is coming, and that means kids everywhere will be receiving Kinder Surprise Eggs.  Well, not kids everywhere.  I understand they're still illegal in the United States. I must confess that I never did like Kinder Eggs. The toy inside was always a worthless piece of crap and the chocolate
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The Battle of the Two Wendys

Wendy's seems torn.  The fast food restaurant sometimes serves up advertisements featuring the real Wendy, Wendy Thomas.  She's the daughter of Wendy's founder Dave Thomas. Other times, we see the role of Wendy played by a thinner, younger actress.  This Wendy reminds me of Alyson Hannigan. You'd think Wendy's would
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Conspiracy Theories

Some conspiracy theories can be fun grist for the mill, but others can be outright offensive and hurtful.  No, this isn't an entry about the flu shot, a topic of much debate on these pages, this is an entry about Sandy Hook Elementary School and 9/11. Refusing to believe
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No More Stuff, Please

Our mega-consumer society has hit my last nerve.  The stuff we accumulate, particularly at this time of year, is enough to make me physically ill. For a few years now, I've had a "no-buy, no-receive" policy that I adhere to. My friends and loved ones know not to buy me
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The Newtown tragedy of Friday breaks my heart.  We've become somewhat desensitized to such killing sprees, but the idea of a young man spraying bullets into a frightened huddle of six and seven years olds feels different.  Every time I see a picture of one of the young victims I
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Is There Still Shame in Getting Fired?

In 2012, good employees are fired every day.  I'm not talking about getting fired for cause, like incompetence or stealing or something untoward like that, I'm talking about good, reliable employees being let go for a variety of reasons ranging from: corporate restructuringthe fact they can replace you for half
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French Press For Me, Thanks

I start every day with a steaming hot cup of coffee.  I usually start boiling the water at 9am and by 9:15 I'm enjoying my first sip. Lots of people are espousing the virtues of Tassimo, Keurig, Nespresso and other convenient one-cup coffee systems but I'm not the least
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Of Dentistry, Insurance and OHIP

I've just returned from the dentist.  I had a dental exam, two x-rays, polishing and scaling.  It cost me $157 + tax. Luckily, I have dental insurance through work, and my insurance plan will cover $156 of the $157.  That's right, my dentist charges $31 for x-rays that my insurance company
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Rob Ford is an extremely polarizing political figure in this city.  Actually, beyond this city.  Most of the comments on the Rob Ford Removed From Office entry are from commenters I happen to know live outside the 416, but that's okay.  Everyone is entitled to express their opinions here. Some
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We're Suckers in This Country

The CBC headline didn't surprise me in the least, but it still pissed me off.  "Canadians pay more than Americans for Canadian-made vehicles." CBC News looked at the relative prices of 24 models made in Ontario by the five big automakers — Ford, GM, Chrysler, Honda and Toyota — and found that
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Urinal Dividers

At my former place of employment, I worked on the 10th floor.  The men's bathroom had urinal dividers between the urinals.  It felt nice and private when taking a leak beside a colleague. At some point, I was moved to the 9th floor.  It was nicer on the 9th floor,
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Goon Poster Offends and I'm Surprised

Toronto has removed 38 posters for the hockey comedy Goon, deeming them as inappropriate, according to Alliance Films. Here's the controversial poster. It's a guy sticking his tongue out between his V fingers to make the international sign for cunnilingus. It wouldn't surprise me one bit to learn this poster
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The Only Argument Required

For my visually challenged friends, here's the quote from Sam Harris. Water is two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen. What if someone says, "Well, that's not how I choose to think about water."? All we can do is appeal to scientific values. And if he doesn't share those values,
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