Toronto Mike

24 in 1994 Brings Me Back


We've come a long way, baby.  I just revisited 1994 thanks to this slice of funny from Collegehumor.  It's the pilot for 24, filmed in 1994 and never aired.

Those early years of the web seemed so advanced at the time, and so dated in retrospect.  I remember paying for Internet access by the hour, losing my connection because someone picked up the phone, receiving AOL floppy discs in the mail and building a Geocities web page.  Geocities was the original Blogger, AltaVista was our Google and Netscape was our Firefox.

Speaking of flashbacks, here's a cringe-worthy peek at how things looked around here back in the day.

Update: I'm told the embedded video above disappears in IE.  If you're using IE, and want to see this vid, go here.

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About Toronto Mike
I own TMDS and host Toronto MIke'd. Become a Patron.