Toronto Mike

Coronation Trek

Coronation Trek

I've often wondered if there's something wrong with me for not liking Star Trek.  I know people who worship the world of Star Trek as a religion, but I've never been able to get through an entire episode or movie.  Despite the success of Star Trek: TNG and the countless other spin-offs, I find the world of Star Trek neither entertaining nor dramatic.  I've often wondered what it is exactly I'm missing in this series others praise ad nauseum.

I was discussing this with a colleague of mine and he had a good theory as to why some people worship the world of Star Trek while others, like myself, show complete disinterest.  He says the world of Star Trek is completely void of emotion.  This explains the correlation between geeks/programmers and the series.  It's like code, logical and relatable but without any emotion to speak of.  Some people thrive in such an environment while others do not.

If Star Trek is completely void of emotion, what would be the anti-Star Trek, full of emotion?  This same colleague says it's Coronation Street.  I've never seen the show, but apparently it's a roller coaster of emotion.  Geeks probably have little interest in Coronation Street.

This begs the question, are there any people with a legitimate claim to being a huge fan of both series?  If Star Trek is on one end of the spectrum and Coronation Street on the other, is there any common ground?  If you consider yourself to be all about Star Trek and Coronation Street, you've got to write a Guest Blog and explain how it can be so.  I doubt there are any out there.

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About Toronto Mike
I own TMDS and host Toronto MIke'd. Become a Patron.