Toronto Mike

Election Countdown

Federal Election

Tonight I received telephone calls from both the Conservative Party of Canada and the Liberal Party.  I must be on some list because Taryn isn't getting these calls, just me.

Earlier this month I wrote that I was seriously considering casting my vote for the NDP.  My politics clash with those of Stephen Harper but I'm not as eager to support the Liberal Party as I usually am.  A vote for the NDP would allow me to stay true to my political beliefs.

Taryn tells me if I vote for the NDP I'm essentially voting for the Conservative Party because I'd be depriving the Liberals of a vote.  The NDP party will not win our riding so I'd be doing the Conservative Party a huge favour by going orange.  I certainly see her point.  I remember following the American federal election of 2000 many pointed out that Ralph Nader won Dubya the presidency.  Had the Ralph Nader supporters voted for Gore, I wouldn't have Dubya to kick around right now.  I don't want Jack Layton to be our Ralph Nader.  I certainly don't want Stephen Harper to be our Dubya.

It looks like I'll be voting red...again.

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